How to use "scholarly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scholarly" in popular movie and book plots

  • Narrator John Wiggin begins the film with a scholarly overview of the place and time of the life of Martin Luther.  - Martin Luther (1953 film)
  • The Wizard, a very scholarly and philosophical person, has put all the secrets of wisdom and knowledge in this book.  - Rayman Junior
  • This part consists of scholarly remarks on the Romani: their appearance, their customs, their conjectured history, and their language.  - Carmen (novella)
  • This is justified and explained through a series of scholarly interviews throughout the film.  - 500 Years Later
  • When he returns to the city, he is under extreme scholarly pressure due to his candidacy for a prestigious scholarship.  - My Mother's Castle
  • Simon, who grew up in New England with his mother, is scholarly and serious, and loves the English countryside.  - I Capture the Castle
  • Jenny is the third child and the most scholarly of the Tulls, but in college, she marries on an impulse with unhappy results.  - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
  • He tells Beerbohm that the only mention he could find of himself was in a single scholarly article, of which Soames produces a facsimile-copy.  - Enoch Soames
  • Her only remaining boarder is a scholarly Egyptologist who has filled his bedsit with ancient artefacts.  - The Story of the Amulet
  • Physically she changes from a brunette, pale, scholarly and sensitive college student to blonde, tan, vapid and disillusioned aerobics junkie.  - The Informers
  • The main character is Coretti, a dull, scholarly man who studies and teaches linguistics and social interaction theory.  - The Belonging Kind
  • Mongkut begins summoning Anna in the middle of the night to discuss how the Bible should be interpreted, and other scholarly matters.  - Anna and the King of Siam (film)
  • He is both Rushmore's most extracurricularly active and least scholarly student.  - Rushmore (film)
  • He must also, to establish his credentials, ensure the publication of his first scholarly article, despite having little time remaining.  - Lucky Jim
  • At the beginning of this book, Gargantua's wife dies giving birth to Pantagruel, who grows to be as giant and scholarly as his father.  - Gargantua and Pantagruel
  • At the prompting of his mother, he learns what he can of courtly manners and swordplay, but fails at more scholarly subjects like Latin.  - The Luck of Barry Lyndon

Meaning of "scholarly" in English

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Meaning of "scholarly" in Hindi

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