How to use "scoff" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scoff" in popular movie and book plots

  • Some scoff at Richmond's chances of winning and she defends him.  - Openings (The Killing)
  • Tony and Michelle scoff at the dull lifeless party the wealthy "posh" kids are enjoying and decide to show them up with seductive dancing.  - Tony (Skins series 1)
  • Spherius angrily comes down to Flatland to scoff at the idea and flies off.  - Flatland: The Movie
  • However, his superiors scoff at the possibility that Schottland is a spy.  - The Two-Headed Spy
  • The villagers scoff but Assol believes her dream will come true one day.  - Scarlet Sails (film)
  • The men initially scoff at the idea, but soon grow nervous when they worry that they'll lose face if they refuse to play.  - Squeeze Play!
  • They scoff at his attempts to win Rosmah over.  - Pendekar Bujang Lapok
  • He is unused to the work, and the other farmers scoff at him and view him as a weak amateur.  - Spring and Chaos
  • Other equally distinguished scientists scoff at his claims, and he is not believed by the United Nations delegates.  - When Worlds Collide (1951 film)
  • The Redferns scoff at the detective's accusations, as he has no real proof.  - Evil Under the Sun (1982 film)
  • Kelly and Stober scoff at the notion.  - Grizzly (film)
  • The other dentists scoff at him and assume that Montreal is a fictional place.  - The Tooth Fairy's Tats 2000
  • The experts scoff at this, until one comes out of the Thames and makes its way to London Zoo in search of salt water.  - Doctor Who and the Pescatons
  • He attempts to warn the villagers, but again they scoff at his "imagined" sight.  - The Country of the Blind
  • This makes the other aliens scoff at the thought.  - Teenagers from Outer Space
  • Ted and his agent Danny Reed (Walter Abel) scoff at the plan, but wish him luck.  - Holiday Inn (film)

Meaning of "scoff" in English

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Meaning of "scoff" in Hindi

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