How to use "scour" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scour" in popular movie and book plots

  • The sheriff releases Bobby upon confirming his identity and heads out to scour the woods again.  - The Graveyard (film)
  • His henchmen scour the desolate landscape daily in search of it, but to no avail.  - The Book of Eli
  • As Nami and her crew begin to scour the factory, they are murdered one-by-one in grisly fashion until only Nami remains.  - Evil Dead Trap
  • Two teams of scientists scour the dark jungles of Africa to find a secret formula.  - The Call of the Savage
  • Armed men arrive and scour the ship, but Mulder manages to escape.  - Nisei (The X-Files)
  • The couple-by-necessity do eventually (jeep trouble aside) scour the land to find eligible voters among the sparse locals.  - Secret Ballot (film)
  • Raging at the escape of the StarSon, Qeteb has the Hawkchilds scour the remains of Tencendor.  - Crusader (Douglass novel)
  • Under the guidance of dr Oz, Dorothy and an assortment of "heroes" set out to scour the Galaxy in search of the three magical crystals.  - The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz
  • They race to save Max as Henderson's men scour the area searching for him.  - Fallen Angel (The X-Files)
  • Not realizing the danger immediately, Charlie and Rotelli scour the monastery for the treasure while Judson frees the monks.  - Escape to Athena
  • They decide to scour the countryside for other survivors.  - The Quiet Earth (film)
  • Police scour New Kirk City for Nelson as Mothra lays waste to the metropolis.  - Mothra (film)
  • Two detectives scour the scene.  - The Second Stage Turbine Blade (comics)
  • Fred and Gunn arrive on the surface and carefully scour the streets for Matthew.  - Sacrifice (Angel)
  • When the English scour the country for Jacobite rebels, Jamie hides in a cave near Lallybroch.  - Voyager (novel)
  • Left with no alternative, Homer and Bart scour the strip clubs of Springfield to find Princess Kashmir.  - Homer's Night Out

Meaning of "scour" in English

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Meaning of "scour" in Hindi

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