How to use "scrutinize" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scrutinize" in popular movie and book plots

  • When she is confronted by the social worker, who attempts to scrutinize Josie's care, Hollis convinces Josie that they need to leave town.  - Pictures of Hollis Woods
  • As Detective Goren, the player will scrutinize crime scenes, analyze evidence and interview witnesses and suspects.  - Law & Order: Criminal Intent (video game)
  • Alerted by her lawyer, she starts to scrutinize recent transactions and finds 15 million rupees missing.  - Ek Ladka Ek Ladki
  • Army Inspector General's office, arrives at the camp and begins to scrutinize Bilko's record.  - Sgt. Bilko
  • Well aware of the ordinance, many of the townswomen scrutinize Moon as he mounts the gallows.  - Goin' South

Meaning of "scrutinize" in English

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Meaning of "scrutinize" in Hindi

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