How to use "scuffle" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scuffle" in popular movie and book plots

  • " They scuffle and fall into a bathing pool.  - The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
  • The two scuffle before Price throws her through a decaying door.  - House on Haunted Hill (1999 film)
  • Spike arrives and fights one of the Lei-Achs, although being demon himself his entire scuffle is unseen by Buffy.  - Family (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • After a short scuffle over some gloves that night, the briefcase breaks open and they discover the money.  - Dumb and Dumber
  • but he gets into a scuffle with Lampwick (Corey Carrier) and his friend Saleo (Richard Claxton) who bully him and prompt him to assault them.  - The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996 film)
  • After being arrested again, this time after a scuffle at Maitland's country club, Axel admits to Bogomil that Maitland is a smuggler.  - Beverly Hills Cop
  • Brian has a brief scuffle with mr Mooney's staff, and then takes the willing Jordan by the hand and heads for the door.  - Cocktail (1988 film)
  • Suddenly, the lights go out and a scuffle is heard.  - The Mousetrap
  • There is a scuffle but it is stopped by Claire, who refuses to witness a murder.  - Go (1999 film)
  • During the ensuing scuffle young Jacques' face is slashed by one of the soldier's blades.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • When Oscar is slightly wounded in a scuffle with Clark, he pretends to be dying and gets a distraught Lily to sign his contract.  - Twentieth Century (film)
  • After a brief scuffle and exchange of insults, Ty Webb suggests they discuss a resolution over drinks.  - Caddyshack
  • That night, Sam and Molly are attacked by a mugger who kills Sam in a scuffle before stealing his wallet.  - Ghost (1990 film)
  • During the trade, walking in opposite directions, Dude tackles Joe and they scuffle while a gunfight erupts.  - Rio Bravo (film)
  • The engaged couple pantomime the truth to Davidson who after a scuffle runs away too.  - Pass the Gravy
  • V takes Finch by surprise; resulting in a scuffle which sees Finch shoot V and V wound Finch with a knife.  - V for Vendetta

Meaning of "scuffle" in English

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Meaning of "scuffle" in Hindi

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