How to use "scurrilous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "scurrilous" in popular movie and book plots

  • The hero of this book, Kvachi Kvachantiradze, is a thoroughly scurrilous rogue but, like many a literary rogue, a charming one.  - Kvachi Kvachantiradze
  • He speaks to Elsa who brushes him off thinking he is only interested in the scurrilous tale of the affair.  - The Brigand of Kandahar
  • The artist is a burly fellow (Ezra Reuben Baker), recognizably aesthetic in paint-smeared dungarees, scurrilous red sweater and combat boots.  - Day of the Painter
  • Ultimately, Lucy and McTeague fall in love, but not before the scurrilous Roy re-enters her life.  - Panama Lady
  • The treasure being well guarded, Baker makes a deal with the scurrilous Cobb to purchase a Gatling gun in exchange for a woman.  - Something Big (film)

Meaning of "scurrilous" in English

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Meaning of "scurrilous" in Hindi

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