How to use "secret" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "secret" in popular movie and book plots

  • The instructions to mastering these skills through training are found in secret manuals known as miji (秘笈).  - Wuxia
  • Upon arriving at the Prometheus, Prisoner 849 finds the secret weapons log, but soon after, they find a working radio communicator nearby.  - Unreal (1998 video game)
  • Simon, who faints frequently and is likely an epileptic, has a secret hide-away where he goes to be alone.  - Lord of the Flies
  • Cole eventually confides his secret to Crowe: he sees ghosts, who walk around like the living unaware they are dead.  - The Sixth Sense
  • They find that the Black Gate of Mordor is too well guarded, so instead they travel to a secret way Gollum knows.  - The Lord of the Rings
  • Romance, secret relationships, extramarital affairs, and genuine hate have been the basis for many soap opera storylines.  - Soap opera
  • Hendrix directs Parker to Capek's secret underground laboratory, where he and Eos meet up and take down Capek.  - Red Faction (video game)
  • King Charles escaped imprisonment by Soviet-backed revolutionaries, making use of a secret passage and brave adherents in disguise.  - Pale Fire
  • John Paul II said, "What we talked about will have to remain a secret between him and me.  - Pope John Paul II
  • He/she was conscripted in World War II, maintaining a secret life throughout his/her military service.  - Glen or Glenda
  • She steals a set of secret records from his archives, not realizing that he has allowed it.  - God Emperor of Dune
  • Maki writes an article about the account, but the news of Godzilla's return is kept secret and his article is withheld.  - The Return of Godzilla
  • Wally and Homer become best friends and Homer develops a secret love for Candy.  - The Cider House Rules
  • Inside a secret laboratory in the house, the owner observes a "monster": a giant octopus.  - Bride of the Monster
  • Using the riddles, Bruce and his butler, Alfred, find out the Riddler's secret identity.  - Batman Forever
  • At a masquerade ball hosted by Shreck, Wayne and Kyle deduce each other's secret identities.  - Batman Returns

Meaning of "secret" in English

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Meaning of "secret" in Hindi

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