How to use "sect" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sect" in popular movie and book plots

  • With his ability to create miracles not only is the military but the religious sect is after him.  - Cluster Edge
  • Luke meets the Fallanassi, a mysterious and secretive sect of Force users who are total pacifists.  - The Black Fleet Crisis
  • She comes into contact with a sect that advises her that the Rapture is imminent.  - The Rapture (1991 film)
  • She tells him of the "book people", a hidden sect of people who flout the law, each of whom have memorized a book to keep it alive.  - Fahrenheit 451 (film)
  • The dying priest of the sect explains the story of Kharis (Tom Tyler) to his follower.  - The Mummy's Hand
  • We learn that Phreak is a 15-year-old boy whose father was part of a snake handling sect and died of a rattlesnake bite.  - Killobyte
  • He arrests the leader of the sect and subjects him to a series of sadistic interrogations.  - Nekro (film)
  • In her loneliness, Mrs Clegg has found comfort in a religious sect called "The Flock of the Shepherd", based in a retreat in Devon.  - The Labours of Hercules
  • The sect follows a religious text, The Way of Cross and Dragon, that describes the life of Iscariot, and revises his place in Christianity.  - The Way of Cross and Dragon
  • Richard's half-brother Drefan, a self-proclaimed high priest of a sect of healers, does, however, succeed in curing Cara with acupressure.  - Temple of the Winds
  • However, the rest of the guard and a sect of Buddhist monks follow them.  - Air (visual novel)
  • Gates learns Dunkle belongs to the same religious sect as Max Castle.  - Flicker (novel)
  • The player begins as an initiate of a powerful sect of magicians, the Shapers.  - Geneforge
  • For example, one sect may give you the quest to destroy an object, while an opposing sect will charge you with its protection.  - Geneforge (series)
  • Monotheism remained limited to the specific Hebrew sect in Egypt.  - Roma Eterna
  • Chib's own community is host to forcibly migrated Arabs, who belong to the strict Wahabi sect of Islam.  - Riders of the Purple Wage

Meaning of "sect" in English

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Meaning of "sect" in Hindi

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