How to use "sedan" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sedan" in popular movie and book plots

  • Elsewhere, Holder climbs into a sedan and tells the unseen driver that the photo worked and that Richmond was "going down".  - Orpheus Descending (The Killing)
  • The queen ant arrives, carried in a sedan chair, and sees the ant playing instead of working.  - The Grasshopper and the Ants (film)
  • When Muggs and Glimpy see a black sedan pick up Jean, who is dressed like Count Dracula, they decide to follow him.  - Block Busters
  • Hotchkiss drags the bodies into the bushes along the side of the road and conceals the Border Patrol sedan in the same bushes.  - Borderline (1980 film)
  • The sedan crashes into a car dealership where the gunman inside dies after being impaled on a motorcycle's handlebars.  - Step on a Crack
  • That night, Bender indeed turns into a sedan and goes after Leela.  - The Honking
  • Before long, Nick sees Udo's sedan parked out front, and knows that as soon as he steps out the front door, Udo will ambush him.  - Kiss of Death (1947 film)
  • In a rickety '37 Ford sedan the three set off across Texas to Laredo, where they cross the border.  - On the Road

Meaning of "sedan" in English

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Meaning of "sedan" in Hindi

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