How to use "seduction" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "seduction" in popular movie and book plots

  • Lady believes that she is using the Deceivers to further her agenda, while avoiding the seduction that Kina appears to be trying against her.  - Dreams of Steel
  • They discuss sculpture and Darryl begins his seduction ("Eye of the Beholder").  - The Witches of Eastwick (musical)
  • Sutekichi sees through her seduction and refuses to take any part in the murder.  - The Lower Depths (1957 film)
  • Dallas throws together an impromptu seduction for Roarke, mostly because she feels it is nice to do something for him every once in a while.  - Eve Dallas
  • Graphic scenes of sex and seduction illustrate Frank's fantasy and unrealistic love for Miranda.  - Miranda (2002 film)
  • Hogue makes up with Hildy and spends the night with her, leaving Joshua to pursue his passion: the seduction of emotionally vulnerable women.  - The Ballad of Cable Hogue
  • Nonetheless, Rocky begins his attempted seduction of Natasha.  - Deewane Huye Paagal
  • She returns home and tries to persuade Jess to let her have it, going to any length, including the seduction of her own father.  - Butterfly (1982 film)
  • Sonia's brother, Peter (Landen), enraged by Rasputin's seduction of his sister, enlists the help of Ivan to bring about the monk's downfall.  - Rasputin the Mad Monk
  • Tony pursues her with seduction in mind, and spends the night with her.  - Staying Alive (1983 film)
  • In the midst of this dynastic confusion, Sharra of Cathal, furious at her seduction and abandonment, stabs Diarmuid in the shoulder.  - The Summer Tree
  • The Duke senses Cellini's presence and is unnerved, and his attempt at seduction degenerates into spoonerisms ("The Nosy Cook").  - The Firebrand of Florence
  • The seduction is great, but the reward is small.  - At Heaven's Gate
  • After excusing himself to use the restroom, he finds himself the object of an attempted seduction by Joyce.  - Restless (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • This scene provides an homage to Hoffman's role in the movie The Graduate and his seduction by mrs Robinson.  - Little Big Man (film)
  • Estelle tries to persevere in her seduction of Joseph, but he says that he cannot make love while Inès is watching.  - No Exit

Meaning of "seduction" in English

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Meaning of "seduction" in Hindi

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