How to use "seductive" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "seductive" in popular movie and book plots

  • Their leader Captain Jonathan Kongre (Yul Brynner) is a diabolical fiend with a seductive and charismatic facade.  - The Light at the Edge of the World
  • A pair of Contini's accomplices, the seductive Linka Karensky and Yu-Rang, each attempt to foil Helm's plans.  - The Wrecking Crew (1968 film)
  • Lola is a Spanish flamenco instructor with a seductive smile, a sultry voice and a carpe-diem attitude.  - 101 Reykjavík
  • While this is happening, Missy gets mixed up with a guy who takes seductive pictures of her and paves the way for her to become a super model.  - The Road Home (2003 film)
  • Henry Esmond knows that his cousins—dull, good-natured Frank and sly, seductive Beatrix—will eventually inherit Castlewood.  - The History of Henry Esmond
  • Uma Yasmine, the hostess of the show won't allow Larry in the show until he will prove his seductive wits by obtaining "tokens of affection".  - Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
  • Tempted by both Rhea's seductive charms and the prospect of some quick cash, Harry goes along with the plan.  - Palmetto (film)
  • In the world of the Ikes, the arrival of Lady X, the seductive Brand X detergent Ike, causes a commotion at Dex's club, the Copabanana.  - Foodfight!
  • She introduces him to her wealthy father (Miles Mander) and his seductive second wife Helen (Claire Trevor).  - Murder, My Sweet
  • Encouraged by the seductive Lady Duncan, Macbett plots to assassinate the Archduke and crown himself King.  - Macbett
  • During a meet and greet reception of school alumni, Todd has his first "wolf-out" while dancing with a seductive hostess.  - Teen Wolf Too
  • While doing their laundry after drinking to much beer, Luke meets two seductive girls named Lily and Constance.  - Decoys (film)
  • She sings a seductive song ("Whatever Lola Wants"), but Joe's devotion to Meg proves too strong, even for her.  - Damn Yankees
  • The change is made more dangerous by the language's seductive enhancement of other abilities.  - Babel-17
  • The seductive Akemi, sensing that Kyoko is still hesitant, threatens to seduce Godai if Kyoko doesn't want him.  - Maison Ikkoku
  • She transforms into the beautiful and seductive Poison Ivy before killing Woodrue with her poisonous kiss.  - Batman & Robin (film)

Meaning of "seductive" in English

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Meaning of "seductive" in Hindi

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