How to use "seep" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "seep" in popular movie and book plots

  • He makes it to the table, but not before the creature has slashed his stomach, leaving a painful wound that starts to seep pus.  - The Sand
  • Homer's neglect to fix a dripping faucet causes the water to seep underground and create a massive cavern underneath the town square.  - Adventures in Baby-Getting
  • A door in the room quickly slams shut and a gas begins to seep through the threshold and knocks all four of them out.  - Spiderhole (film)
  • Yoder throws the grenade as he escapes to the surface, which cracks the facility's windows when it goes off, causing water to seep in.  - Jurassic Park: The Game
  • The effect of Black magic forces seep on the entire place, pushing everyone away.  - Phoonk
  • Tom drinks a bucket of water, but more pecking causes the water to seep out through his body.  - The Egg and Jerry
  • While Mami is playing, hair begins to seep into the apartment.  - Exte
  • Tom drinks a bucket of water, but more pecking causes the water to seep out through his body.  - Hatch Up Your Troubles
  • A flaw in the structure of the Universe is allowing energy from the Land of Fiction to seep through.  - Head Games (Doctor Who)
  • Things go awry when Palin is struck in the face by the ball, causing blood to seep through his fingers.  - Sam Peckinpah's "Salad Days"
  • The three flee as The Darkness begins to seep through the house, manipulating the walls and shattering the floors as it chases them.  - House on Haunted Hill (1999 film)

Meaning of "seep" in English

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Meaning of "seep" in Hindi

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