How to use "seer" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "seer" in popular movie and book plots

  • Fearing for his life, Flick goes to a woods witch and seer named Audrana Coos.  - The Black Irix
  • Bran is then confronted by the boy from his dream, who reveals that he is Jojen Reed (Thomas Brodie Sangster), and a seer like Bran.  - Dark Wings, Dark Words
  • Leo orbs to Kyra to question her, but the seer uses Piper's potion to seduce him, and keep him from interfering with Belthazor's plans.  - This Ain't Charmed XXX
  • She meets Truth, a Royal Jaguar seer who begins to shape Firekeeper's journey in the land of Liglim.  - Wolf Captured
  • Not only do the Trojans fail to secure Hesione, they also lose the seer Calchas during the voyage, who later aids the Greeks during the war.  - Cassandra (novel)
  • Tobias is happy to know that she is a seer just like Dak Hamee.  - The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
  • The seer protests to King Adanngaman, who in turn for his perceived insolence, orders him and Ossei to be sold as slaves.  - Adanggaman
  • Instead, she meets a strange but welcoming woman, the seer Madame Serena (Rubinstein).  - Teen Witch
  • Zephyr tells Shade that he is a seer who has foreseen where Shade must go to find Frieda.  - Silverwing (novel)
  • That night Helen, fearing for Paris's safety, goes to the seer Cassandra and asks to know what she can do to protect Paris.  - Helen of Troy (miniseries)
  • DaVinci, who has ridden to Montaillou in a flying machine, advises the PC to seek out the seer Nostradamus, who can predict the future.  - Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
  • The main character is Hias, a seer from the hills, who predicts the destruction of the factory in a fire.  - Heart of Glass (film)

Meaning of "seer" in English

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Meaning of "seer" in Hindi

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