How to use "seize" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "seize" in popular movie and book plots

  • The villagers storm into the schoolhouse and seize Rosy, convinced that she informed the British of the arms shipment.  - Ryan's Daughter
  • Sarason and Windrip's other lieutenants, including General Dewey Haik, seize power and exile the president to France.  - It Can't Happen Here
  • Zukovsky and his men seize the tower, but Zukovsky is shot by Elektra, freeing Bond with his cane gun with his last act.  - The World Is Not Enough
  • After learning from Lonnie that Hud is trying to seize the ranch, Homer confronts Hud.  - Hud (1963 film)
  • Creon becomes angry and reveals that he has already captured Ismene; he then instructs his guards to forcibly seize Antigone.  - Oedipus at Colonus
  • If he had tried to seize it openly, Dupin surmises D— might have had him killed.  - The Purloined Letter
  • Strannix' forces seize control of the ship with Krill's help.  - Under Siege
  • The terrified barber mounts the steps, but is inspired to seize the initiative.  - The Great Dictator
  • During the raid, Blood and his fellow slaves seize the Spanish ship from its drunken night watch, and sail away to begin lives of piracy.  - Captain Blood (1935 film)
  • When she expresses her fear that death may be at hand, he laughs it off and encourages her to seize the day.  - The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934 film)
  • She had been Dan's fiancée, deceiving him into giving her enough voting stock to allow her and Miles to seize control.  - The Door into Summer
  • He suppresses this information, planning to engineer a war within the cartel that will leave him in a position to seize power.  - Clear and Present Danger
  • The Huns capture the Emperor, then seize the palace.  - Mulan (1998 film)
  • Sauron, who needed the Ring to regain his full power, sent forth his powerful servants, the Nazgûl, to seize it.  - The Lord of the Rings
  • At this point, a werewolf (John Andrews) and mummy (Louis Ojena) appear and seize the intruding young couple.  - Orgy of the Dead
  • They immediately seize upon everything he says and does as points of doctrine.  - Monty Python's Life of Brian

Meaning of "seize" in English

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Meaning of "seize" in Hindi

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