How to use "semblance" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "semblance" in popular movie and book plots

  • He doesn't know – he cannot know – that Marco's plan has at least a semblance of plausibility.  - Exit: una storia personale
  • Most of his customers maintain a facade of normality in order to gain semblance and hide their tumultuous lives to some extent.  - Everybody Says I'm Fine!
  • Baby eventually runs away and finds a semblance of security with a pimp named Alphonse.  - Lullabies for Little Criminals
  • Lyle is placed in a room with Kenny, a reticent 13-year-old, and form some semblance of a sibling relationship.  - Manic (film)
  • When Uther, the Pendragon or High King, dies without legitimate sons, any semblance of a unified defense vanishes.  - Hawk of May
  • Any semblance of rationality is done away with.  - The Last Summer of Reason
  • He wanders, trying to find some semblance of his past, trying to find his comrades left behind.  - The Red Spectacles
  • It is also the case that the vugs are involved within human society, using induced hallucination to maintain the semblance of human form.  - The Game-Players of Titan
  • Neelix pays a last visit to Jetrel and tells him that he is forgiven, allowing the Haakonian to die with some semblance of peace.  - Jetrel
  • The barbaric Saxons pose a particular threat to reestablishing a semblance of order in the land.  - Arthur's Knights
  • Through time, they are able to overcome these conflicts and begin some semblance of a relationship.  - Dandelion (2004 film)
  • She not only wishes to restore the house and grounds but also a semblance of her old life, the people, horses and hounds.  - Flambards in Summer
  • The game quickly loses all semblance of order as the players are incapacitated or killed.  - Rollerball (1975 film)
  • Hasting's wife—presumably modeled after London's second wife—is described as bearing some semblance to Saxon.  - The Valley of the Moon (novel)

Meaning of "semblance" in English

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Meaning of "semblance" in Hindi

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