How to use "seminary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "seminary" in popular movie and book plots

  • Juraj Jánošík (Theodor Pištěk), a young, imposing seminary student, returns to his home village to find that his ailing mother has just died.  - Jánošík (1921 film)
  • ” Gene’s father believes nothing of what he says — he desires his son go to study in the seminary — and eventually breaks the entire set.  - The Gene Krupa Story
  • Richard Channing (William Carleton), an older man, rides past the seminary every day, prompting romantic fantasies among the school girls.  - The Flapper
  • David left his studies in a seminary to marry a then pregnant Kailey.  - Turn the River
  • Gabriel tried to purge his guilt in the priesthood, but left the seminary because of an affair with Sonia, a humble washerwoman.  - Las Vías del Amor
  • As a class of seminary students are sent home for vacation, three of them get lost on the way in the middle of the night.  - Viy (1967 film)
  • Kevin Parson, a 28-year-old seminary student, has his life turned upside-down when a killer named Richard Slater decides to stalk him.  - Three (novel)
  • Mara vows to set the young man on the path of righteousness back to the seminary and enlists the reluctant Augusto.  - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  • In 1942, he leaves the theatre to join Archbishop's Adam Sapieha's secret seminary to study for the priesthood.  - Pope John Paul II (miniseries)
  • Thomas Dagget, a Catholic seminary student, loses his faith when he sees disturbing visions of a war between angels.  - The Prophecy
  • Taras Bulba's two sons, Ostap and Andriy, return home from an Orthodox seminary in Kiev.  - Taras Bulba
  • After Steve leaves for seminary school, the rechristened Four Donahues accept an engagement in Miami.  - There's No Business Like Show Business (film)
  • (He remains unconscious for most of the film) They also meet the strong, quiet seminary student Dorman (Chuck Bush).  - Fandango (1985 film)
  • Years before, his passion for Millie had led to his leaving the seminary where he was training for the priesthood.  - The Red and the Green
  • Beneath the Wheel is the story of Hans Giebenrath, a talented boy sent to a seminary in Maulbronn.  - Beneath the Wheel
  • The abbé Chélan orders Julien to a seminary in Besançon, which he finds intellectually stifling and pervaded with social cliques.  - The Red and the Black

Meaning of "seminary" in English

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