How to use "sentiment" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sentiment" in popular movie and book plots

  • She further shocks them by demonstrating a total lack of sentiment on the subject of matrimony.  - The Constant Wife
  • The album concludes with the sentiment that, although rock stars may fade, their music lives on.  - Soap Opera (album)
  • Set from 1953 to 1960, post-World War II sentiment and Cold War tension have pushed the Age of the Superhero into decline.  - DC: The New Frontier
  • Andre says that he could never have carried out Zero Day without Cal's help, a sentiment Cal echoes.  - Zero Day (film)
  • The title to this story alludes to the sentiment that ignorance is bliss.  - Bliss (short story)
  • The Tenth Doctor repeats this sentiment in "The Girl in the Fireplace" and claims that he invented the banana daiquiri in 18th century France.  - The Doctor Dances
  • Despite the shifting sentiment in the town, Reynaud remains staunch in his abstinence from pleasures such as chocolate.  - Chocolat (2000 film)
  • " His colleagues and fellow young-party leaders did not see the humour in the sentiment expressed in the postcard.  - The Joke (novel)
  • Susie's father, Jack, begins to suspect Harvey, a sentiment his surviving daughter Lindsey comes to share.  - The Lovely Bones
  • After a motivational sentiment from their Captain, Frank Kowalski, Walker and Church move into position to take control of the bridge.  - Call of Duty: Finest Hour
  • The FBI has a meeting and declares it will find Amy and kill her (exactly the same sentiment is voiced by several other parties in the film).  - The Doom Generation
  • The sharing extends to wives and husbands, a sentiment likely springing from the free love movement of the mid-to-late Twentieth century.  - The World Inside
  • " but the sentiment is lost in the family's excitement at his recovery.  - What About Bob?
  • Popular local sentiment gradually turns against the British, and Aubrey receives news that the junta plans to impound his frigate.  - Blue at the Mizzen
  • Kira later apologises to Sisko, and agrees with his earlier sentiment about Winn's actions.  - In the Hands of the Prophets
  • At different times he and the sergeant express the same sentiment that soldiers are killers but not murderers.  - The Big Red One

Meaning of "sentiment" in English

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Meaning of "sentiment" in Hindi

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