How to use "separately" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "separately" in popular movie and book plots

  • A sunspot disrupts Rumfoord's spiral, sending him and Kazak separately into the vastness of space.  - The Sirens of Titan
  • A year after the death of their children, Jude and Sue happen to meet when separately visiting the tombstones of their children.  - Jude (film)
  • Giles and Tara separately resolve to leave the people they love, respectively Buffy and Willow.  - Once More, with Feeling (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Traveling separately from the rest of the family, the mother and Egg are killed in an airplane crash.  - The Hotel New Hampshire
  • He and his wife Sarah, separately lost in grief, find their marriage disintegrating until she eventually moves out.  - The Accidental Tourist
  • After success in the North Africa campaign, Patton and Bernard Montgomery separately come up with plans for the Allied invasion of Sicily.  - Patton (film)
  • After narrowly missing each other at the Upton Inn, Tom and Sophie arrive separately in London.  - Tom Jones (1963 film)
  • Robbins insists they explore the structure separately and the two part ways, keeping in contact with their communicators.  - The Dig
  • Both angry, they sleep separately that night.  - Salt of the Earth (1954 film)
  • Batista abruptly abdicates due to rebel advances; during the ensuing chaos, Michael, Fredo, and Roth separately escape to the United States.  - The Godfather Part II
  • Eventually, they decide that they should dine separately and not associate with each other.  - Love Affair (1939 film)
  • Both Branno and Gendibal, who have separately followed Trevize, also reach Gaia at the same time.  - Foundation series
  • He and Fader break out of Coventry separately to warn the country from which he had emigrated of the imminent attack.  - Coventry (short story)
  • Vosill and Oelph are almost immediately delivered to Ralinge, who binds the two separately and then strips, intending to rape, Vosill.  - Inversions (novel)
  • Eventually, all four find themselves separately falling asleep in the glade.  - A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • After Crono and Lucca separately recreate the portal and find themselves in AD 600, they find Marle only to see her vanish before their eyes.  - Chrono Trigger

Meaning of "separately" in English

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Meaning of "separately" in Hindi

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