How to use "septuagenarian" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "septuagenarian" in popular movie and book plots

  • His grandmother (Molly Kannamaly), a septuagenarian who have found freedom through mobile phone and engage in several social networking sites.  - Amar Akbar Anthony (2015 film)
  • The film centres around a septuagenarian industrialist called Dayadananda Prabhu (Madhu).  - Prabhuvinte Makkal
  • He has an interesting script on the curious relationship between a septuagenarian celebrity painter and a young nurse.  - Angshumaner Chhobi
  • She finds her first boarder quickly—the septuagenarian mother of an acquaintance—and is delighted.  - Open House (novel)

Meaning of "septuagenarian" in English

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Meaning of "septuagenarian" in Hindi

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