How to use "serenade" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "serenade" in popular movie and book plots

  • Krazy goes on to serenade her with a banjo.  - Slow Beau
  • He then stops at a house, and sings the Russian song Dark Eyes to serenade someone.  - Russian Dressing (film)
  • Will and New Directions serenade Emma with "In Your Eyes", and Emma admits she ran away because she feels that she doesn't know Will anymore.  - Girls (and Boys) On Film
  • The rat then approaches the girl hippo and tries to serenade her with the banjo.  - Love's Labor Lost (film)
  • He then moves the car to a condo window of a certain floor and attempts to serenade Kitty with a trombone.  - Oil's Well (film)
  • As Hammer and Penny serenade each other, Horrible glares at them while he makes off with the wonderflonium.  - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
  • He tries to serenade her but she is again disgusted and leaves but later goes back to try to find him before he departs for Italy.  - Moscow, Belgium
  • This peace is broken by Larry and Joe who are loudly rehearsing their "The Original Two-Man Quartet" routine to serenade Moe.  - Guns a Poppin
  • The next morning, at breakfast, Jeff comes to serenade an elated Luisa and sends her flowers, asking her to meet him at his hotel by noon.  - Carnival in Costa Rica
  • Back in the garden, the devil and Jerry realize Tom's going to serenade his new girlfriend.  - Smitten Kitten
  • Manos, who observed her arrival, comes to Robledo’s one evening to serenade Elena.  - The Temptress
  • A formerly famous opera singer was overcome with emotion and died when a famed tenor came to serenade her.  - At the Hotel
  • Despite her initial rebuffs, he goes to great lengths to win her heart, even hiring a celebrated "gypsy violinist" to serenade her.  - The Match King
  • Brooke gets angry at Brian for stalking her and throws her telephone at him when he attempts to serenade her outside her apartment.  - Brian the Bachelor
  • Homer forgets his wedding anniversary, but Karl covers by hiring a singing telegram service to serenade Marge with "You Are So Beautiful".  - Simpson and Delilah
  • A celebration is then held after which the male students serenade the women present, including Averill's girlfriend.  - Heaven's Gate (film)

Meaning of "serenade" in English

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Meaning of "serenade" in Hindi

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