How to use "serf" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "serf" in popular movie and book plots

  • The scene then shifts to a summer day in 1861, where a serf named Tadas Blinda wakes up from dreaming the last scene while washing himself.  - Tadas Blinda. Pradžia
  • Adam becomes a serf for Sir Ivo, and works as a groom and later becomes a squire.  - Crusade (Laird novel)
  • She becomes a serf to Yolande Ingolfsson, who after torturing her repeatedly with a neural weapon, forces her to become a "brooder" (ie.  - The Stone Dogs
  • Durmishkhan is a serf freed by his master.  - The Legend of Suram Fortress
  • The novel opens by depicting Dickon's hardships as a serf on a baronial manor.  - Bows against the Barons
  • This was the first visit in several years, his exile was due to his arranging the escape of his serf daughter to America.  - Marching Through Georgia (novel)

Meaning of "serf" in English

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Meaning of "serf" in Hindi

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