How to use "sergeant" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sergeant" in popular movie and book plots

  • An antagonist in the series, Falcon-Price often tries to terminate the employment of the Mount Thomas sergeant or to close the entire station.  - Blue Heelers
  • To top it all off Beethoven hits the army sergeant in the crotch with a leash causing him to kneel over in pain.  - Beethoven's 4th (film)
  • Afterwards, Conlin is promoted to sergeant and squad leader, and takes part in the Battle of Tarawa.  - Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
  • Back in the present, street walker Marie Charlet begs Henri to rescue her from police sergeant Patou.  - Moulin Rouge (1952 film)
  • At his new job, Tom meets Caesar (Keenan Wynn), a sergeant with whom he'd served in Italy, now the UBS Building's elevator operator.  - The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
  • The sergeant has already sworn to destroy him.  - Beau Travail
  • The small cavalry column includes a veteran sergeant (Jaeckel) and Apache scout Ke-Ni-Tay (Luke).  - Ulzana's Raid
  • Jim gets transferred to a Colorado Air Force base, where his sergeant is clearly sexually interested in him.  - The City and the Pillar
  • Huston tells her that he is actually an AWOL sergeant from the Army, and she tells him of her past in Florida.  - The Rose (film)
  • During basic training, Donald's unit is marched around the field by the drill sergeant (Pete).  - Donald Gets Drafted
  • Jim ignores them and goes in looking for Fremick, but the desk sergeant rudely tells him that Fremick will be out all night.  - Rebel Without a Cause
  • In the final battle, Henry acts as the flag-bearer after the color sergeant falls.  - The Red Badge of Courage
  • After momentarily letting the Professor go free, the police sergeant tries to apprehend him.  - Animal Crackers (1930 film)
  • Al served as an infantry platoon sergeant in the Pacific.  - The Best Years of Our Lives
  • At roll call, Tuco answers for "Bill Carson," getting the attention of Angel Eyes, now a disguised Union sergeant at the camp.  - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • United States Marine sergeant Bobby Shaftoe, a veteran of China and Guadalcanal, serves in unit 2702, carrying out Waterhouse's plans.  - Cryptonomicon

Meaning of "sergeant" in English

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Meaning of "sergeant" in Hindi

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