How to use "serial" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "serial" in popular movie and book plots

  • This he does, but, in so doing, begins to behave more and more like a serial killer himself.  - The Element of Crime
  • However, in the Fifth Doctor serial Castrovalva, Event One is taken to refer to the creation of our Galaxy, not the universe.  - Terminus (Doctor Who)
  • He warns the therapist that she is to be the next victim of the vicious serial killer but she thinks that he is the killer and runs from him.  - Terror Tract
  • Mundt is a serial killer wanted for several murders; after shooting his victims, they explain, he decapitates them and keeps the heads.  - Barton Fink
  • This serial marks the final appearance of the wood-panelled secondary TARDIS console room.  - The Robots of Death
  • However, she is secretly a serial killer, murdering people over the most trivial of perceived slights, including mere faux pas.  - Serial Mom
  • She is the seventh victim of a serial killer known as "The Avenger", who targets young blonde women on Tuesday evenings.  - The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog
  • Everything from earthquakes and shark attacks to serial killers served as plot conflicts on the show.  - Baywatch
  • Inspector Crome, who doubts Poirot's detective abilities and Dr Thomson, who tries to profile this serial killer, are part of the police team.  - The A.B.C. Murders
  • In Los Angeles, lt Parker Barnes and John Donovan are tracking down a serial killer named SID 67 at a restaurant in virtual reality.  - Virtuosity
  • Chow soon invites Su to help him write a martial arts serial for the papers.  - In the Mood for Love
  • Crow arrives and Anderton prepares to kill him, accusing him to be a serial child killer.  - Minority Report (film)
  • State investigator Gary Hallett arrives from Tucson, Arizona in search of Jimmy, who is also a serial killer.  - Practical Magic
  • In search of Jed, Rose and Gilbert stop at a hotel, where the Corinthian is attending a convention of serial killers.  - The Sandman: The Doll's House
  • In West Virginia in the 1930s, along the Ohio River, Reverend Harry Powell, a serial killer, flees the scene of his latest murder.  - The Night of the Hunter (film)
  • A wanted poster warns of a serial killer preying on children, as anxious parents wait outside a school.  - M (1931 film)

Meaning of "serial" in English

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Meaning of "serial" in Hindi

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