How to use "sermon" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "sermon" in popular movie and book plots

  • During a church sermon excommunicating him, it is announced that a man has confessed to the murders.  - Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (film)
  • The story then jumps ahead a few years to a sermon being given by John with mrs Maclean, Norman, Jesse and their two children in attendance.  - A River Runs Through It (film)
  • A narrator then delivers a sermon on the glories of Love and the horrors of Self-Love/Pride and how it forms the roots of War.  - Archangel (film)
  • The most interesting character is the kirk minister who makes a sermon about social rights.  - Dùn Aluinn
  • When Reverend Lovejoy can not attend the Christmas sermon due to a horrible train wreck (on his train set), Flanders immediately takes over.  - Simpsons Christmas Stories
  • The minister, after waiting for Ricki to get a Bible, enters a long sermon about sin.  - Green Shadows, White Whale
  • A large deacon takes him to the church, where he improvises a sermon about David and Goliath.  - The Pilgrim (1923 film)
  • Reverend Lovejoy's sermon on "constancy" almost sends the entire congregation to sleep.  - In Marge We Trust
  • Orlík asks Valerie to meet him at the church during the evening sermon where the head missionary will address the town's virgins.  - Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (film)
  • Both the Easter Sunday sermon and the festival are a success.  - Chocolat (2000 film)
  • Within moments of the pastor beginning his sermon a nest of wasps become agitated in the attic and wasps begin invading the church.  - Boy's Life (novel)
  • He hires Flory's former Burmese mistress to create a scene in front of Elizabeth during the sermon at church.  - Burmese Days
  • The Reverend Eli Jenkins delivers a morning sermon on his love for the village.  - Under Milk Wood
  • In the poignant finale, Sonny delivers an impassioned sermon before telling his flock that he has to go.  - The Apostle
  • The following Sunday he preaches a sermon advising his congregation that young people may have something to teach their elders.  - One Foot in Heaven
  • The next morning, Ishmael and Queequeg attend Father Mapple's sermon on Jonah, then head for Nantucket.  - Moby-Dick

Meaning of "sermon" in English

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Meaning of "sermon" in Hindi

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