How to use "serpentine" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "serpentine" in popular movie and book plots

  • After arriving at Limbo, Dante confronts the serpentine Judge of the Damned, King Minos.  - Dante's Inferno (video game)
  • Except as serpentine extensions of shadow, they are rarely seen, and thrive only in darkness.  - City of Light, City of Dark
  • A solar flare from the sun sends a serpentine alien composed of fire to Earth where it begins to wreak havoc throughout a small community.  - Fire Serpent
  • Huma enters the mountain and faces Wyrmfather, an ancient, serpentine dragon.  - The Legend of Huma
  • Unfortunately, a serpentine tail smashes through the panel and begins to wreak havoc.  - Boa vs. Python
  • Scylla's six serpentine heads wreak havoc on the crew, killing many.  - The Odyssey (miniseries)
  • The wind sucks Glen onto the foyer, where a giant serpentine demon emerges.  - The Gate (1987 film)

Meaning of "serpentine" in English

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Meaning of "serpentine" in Hindi

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