How to use "severity" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "severity" in popular movie and book plots

  • Also, only those with high IQ are chosen to be Watchers, as they can grasp the severity of the situation and make the necessary decisions.  - Thirteenth City
  • Boredom is setting in as well as an increased severity of Ariel's sickness.  - Isaac Asimov's Robot City: Refuge
  • Devaki is made to stand holding a heavy stone on her head, the severity of the punishment aimed at setting an example to other women.  - Devaki (film)
  • Due to Gonzō's abusive "education" and the severity of Kyōsuke's debt, he views money as the means, end, and purpose of life.  - The Devil on G-String
  • This was a rating scale for the severity of a situation and a level 6 marking has never been used.  - 12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral
  • Despite the severity of his injuries, Harry still tries attacking, and is finally killed when Shapiro knocks him off a balcony.  - Open House (1987 film)
  • Tony is a 15-year-old boy, dying of AIDS, living in a hospital to minimize the severity of his illness.  - Sweet Jane (film)
  • The severity of Lil's cancer is revealed to the audience as well as Eva, after she collapses suddenly in agonizing pain.  - Last Summer at Bluefish Cove
  • The severity of the situation causes theS.  - Amazons Attack!
  • Nick doesn't realise the severity of his losses until he reads in the newspaper that Barings has gone bankrupt.  - Rogue Trader (film)
  • The severity of this increases as her mental state worsens.  - Mad Love (1995 film)
  • Salamander, Benik and Bruce meet at the Centre and realise the severity of the situation.  - The Enemy of the World
  • The effect's severity is proportional to the accumulated chaos.  - The Saga of Recluce
  • As a second example, consider a clinical trial on the interaction between stroke severity and the efficacy of a drug on patient survival.  - Interaction (statistics)
  • After the last of the brake shoes burn off and the dispatchers realize the severity of their situation, they try to keep the tracks clear.  - Runaway Train (film)
  • Weakened by the severity of her illness, she falls back in shock and dies.  - Les Misérables

Meaning of "severity" in English

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Meaning of "severity" in Hindi

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