How to use "sew" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sew" in popular movie and book plots

  • When Frado turns eighteen, arrangements are made for her to sew for the Moore family.  - Our Nig
  • Fortunately, the nurse has a great idea: the surgical crew will cut off Greg's head and sew it on the Cop's body.  - Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Re-Turn of Tippy Tinkletrousers
  • She can’t sew on a button, bake a potato, or get the ironing board to open.  - The Undomestic Goddess
  • The silkworm knits garments whenever the word sew is spoken.  - Porky's Party
  • The now solid ghosts then crash into a wall, which kills them and allows Olive to take the ghosts and sew them together into a new sail.  - Spooky Swabs
  • Unfortunately, her Mother doesn't have time to sew a costume so Ramona has to wear a pair of old pajamas, which she hates.  - Ramona and Her Father
  • Mainwaring suggests that they could serve in the canteen, and Frazer adds that they could sew on their jacket buttons.  - Mum's Army
  • I'm going to sew his ass to his face.  - The Good Samaritan (Seinfeld)
  • She tells the soldiers that she will sew it in the top position as a symbol of respect.  - The Last Flight of Noah's Ark
  • Tillie manages to sew the wound shut and bandages his arm.  - The Aviator (1985 film)
  • They buy gems with the cash given by Eulalia and sew these into their clothing for safekeeping during their journey to California.  - Zorro (novel)
  • The partial paralysis in Oshin's hand renders her unable to cook, sew or look after Yu, who is now cared for by Kiyo.  - Oshin
  • Materia is taken in by the kind neighbor mrs Luvovitz, who teaches her to sew and cook.  - Fall on Your Knees
  • María, married five months and already pregnant, asks Yerma to sew for the baby.  - Yerma
  • She agrees to let Dina sew the patterns.  - A Fine Balance
  • The stepmother and stepsisters demand that Cinderella sew all three of them elegant gowns for the ball from the fabric of their old dresses.  - The Slipper and the Rose

Meaning of "sew" in English

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Meaning of "sew" in Hindi

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