How to use "sexism" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sexism" in popular movie and book plots

  • Chadwick informs Frost, who is the true brains behind the program while struggling with her acting due to sexism in Hollywood.  - A View in the Dark
  • A feminist enters a beauty contest, hoping to win and deliver a speech on exploitation and sexism at the end.  - The Great American Beauty Contest
  • The main plot often features Kavanagh confronting cases with a subtext of racism, sexism or other prejudice.  - Kavanagh QC
  • However, the welcome is soured by sexism in the Graysons, for whom the notion of a woman in uniform is intolerable.  - The Honor of the Queen
  • Pullman" business cards to avoid the ubiquitous sexism of the 1910s.  - Imitation of Life (novel)

Meaning of "sexism" in English

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Meaning of "sexism" in Hindi

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