How to use "shady" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shady" in popular movie and book plots

  • As she is leaving the store, a shady character in a Goofy hat accosts her and threatens her with a gun.  - Strong Arms of the Ma
  • Eventually the tapes are revealed as just a charade invented by shady government forces as a part of a disinformation campaign.  - The Beiderbecke Tapes
  • Depressed, the news team decides to buy new suits, but Brick, who was leading the way, gets them lost in a shady part of town.  - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
  • Thanks to shady dealing, Conklin suddenly is named the No.  - The Great White Hype
  • She assigns her longtime investigator Moe (Jack Warden) to do some digging and he begins to unearth the defendant's shady past.  - Guilty as Sin
  • Mitch falls for a woman named Kathy (Traylor Howard) who works for a shady used car dealer (David Koechner).  - Dirty Work (1998 film)
  • One day a shady customer named Benny (Jay Mohr) shows interest in buying Paulie, thinking he could profit from the bird's ability to talk.  - Paulie
  • Sheriff Dumire has suspected the Wendells of shady activities since their arrival and questions them about the missing businessman.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • Their foes include Detta, a heavyset crime boss/kingpin on planet Anachronox, and several other monsters and shady characters.  - Anachronox
  • Mona is hired by shady individuals for a "gig" which later turns out to be part of a plot to abduct Angie.  - Mona Lisa Overdrive
  • She witnesses Marty being goaded by his co-worker Douglas Needles into a shady business deal, which leads to Marty's firing.  - Back to the Future Part II
  • John Raffles, who knows of Bulstrode's shady past, appears in Middlemarch, intending to blackmail him.  - Middlemarch
  • Jeff had been hired by shady businessman Whit to find his girlfriend, Kathie Moffat.  - Out of the Past
  • Johnson (Anthony Anderson) doing a shady deal with a man named Matt Montini (David Vadim).  - Exit Wounds
  • Andy is too useful to Norton, and he knows details about Norton's shady dealings.  - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
  • Cottard is distressed by the ending of the epidemic from which he has profited by shady dealings.  - The Plague

Meaning of "shady" in English

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Meaning of "shady" in Hindi

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