How to use "shakily" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shakily" in popular movie and book plots

  • To protect her friend, Baby manages to shakily walk to her mother and explain what happened.  - Lad, A Dog
  • Griffin very shakily lights up a cigarette as Little pulls himself from the wall he was sitting against and limps down the road.  - Five Minutes of Heaven
  • Leaving her a tender note, he shakily goes off with Sick Boy on the hunt for skag.  - Skagboys
  • Six bullets fail to kill him, and Manute aims shakily at Dwight as Ava unexpectedly grabs one of Manute's guns, shooting Manute several times.  - Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
  • Suddenly, a bloody and bruised Cristina enters the room, shakily holding a gun aimed directly at Max.  - Blood and Black Lace
  • Six bullets fail to kill him, and Manute aims shakily at Dwight as Ava grabs one of Manute's guns, shooting Manute in his shoulder.  - A Dame to Kill For
  • However, before the guerrilla can fire, he vanishes, leaving Styles to shakily tell his secretary he has been visited by a ghost.  - Day of the Daleks
  • One night, after Debbie is asleep, Kirsten, shakily sober for two days, comes to Joe's apartment to attempt a reconciliation.  - Days of Wine and Roses (film)

Meaning of "shakily" in English

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Meaning of "shakily" in Hindi

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