How to use "shaman" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "shaman" in popular movie and book plots

  • Frolick has been driven mad by a shaman called Burubi (Reggie Nalder).  - The Spiral Road
  • He is now living in the wood as a shaman to a small village of ancient people.  - Lavondyss
  • The dead man "testifies" through a third witness, an old Indian shaman (Paul Fix), who said that neither of those accounts was true.  - The Outrage
  • The film climaxes in a confrontation between the lawyer and the tribe's shaman in a subterranean sacred site.  - The Last Wave
  • He discovers she has secretly kept several items given to her by a local shaman for protection.  - The Jungle (The Twilight Zone)
  • Upon reaching the others, Aigin's wound is treated by the shaman of the group.  - Pathfinder (1987 film)
  • The shaman uses the disruptor gun against one of the images of Xoanon/the Doctor projected through a wall.  - The Face of Evil
  • The Montagnais shaman is suspicious (and implicitly jealous) of LaForgue's influence over the Algonquins.  - Black Robe (film)
  • The evil shaman Tungajuaq appears, blowing and grunting with the eerie echo of a polar bear.  - Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
  • A mentor enters the story in Big Face, the shaman of the Mudokon people, who wears a large wooden mask from which his name is derived.  - Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
  • Kitana and Liu Kang search for a Native American shaman named Nightwolf, who seemingly knows the key to defeating Kahn.  - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
  • Lee Scoresby finds Grumman living as a shaman known as Jopari, a corruption of his original name, John Parry, Will's father.  - The Subtle Knife
  • During the Shaman Fight, Yoh encounters Hao Asakura, a strong shaman who wishes to eradicate humans and create a world for shamans.  - Shaman King
  • Kenai falls down some rapids, survives, and is healed by Tanana, the shaman of Kenai's tribe.  - Brother Bear
  • Along the way, they are aided by Mumbo Jumbo, a shaman and Gruntilda's former teacher.  - Banjo-Kazooie
  • King Mufasa's newborn son, Simba, is presented to the assembled animals by Rafiki, a mandrill who serves as shaman and advisor.  - The Lion King

Meaning of "shaman" in English

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Meaning of "shaman" in Hindi

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