How to use "shareholder" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shareholder" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, at KKN he's offered to be a 2% shareholder but with a 3-year lock-in period.  - Reporters (Indian TV series)
  • Ricardo is the main shareholder at a food company entitled Grupo KNG.  - Dos hogares
  • He has a shareholder meeting coming up, and the legal avenues will not solve his problem in time.  - The Nigerian Job
  • His research reveals that the boss of said firm is Magnus Borgsjö, who is CEO and major shareholder atMP.  - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
  • In Hong Kong, owner and majority shareholder of the W Group, Nerio Winch, is awoken up by a phone call on his yacht, Neretva.  - Largo Winch (film)
  • Because Christine is the majority shareholder of his business, Pierre is in danger of losing his fortune if he divorces her.  - The Valet
  • Ashok feels proud of Annamalai and informs his father that Annamalai has to be made a shareholder in the new hotel.  - Annamalai (film)
  • His contractor being the CEO and shareholder of the research company, Eugene Della Cruz.  - Brodie's Law
  • is the majority shareholder in Weststar, and he uses that clout to force McKay to back out of buying Ewing Oil.  - Dallas: J.R. Returns
  • Pearson is arrested and Poirot becomes a shareholder in a Burmese mine.  - Poirot's Early Cases
  • He holds the proxy of Julia Tredway, the daughter of the company's founder, who is still a major shareholder and board member.  - Executive Suite

Meaning of "shareholder" in English

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Meaning of "shareholder" in Hindi

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