How to use "shelter" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shelter" in popular movie and book plots

  • Max also learns that an animal shelter he visits is being closed down to build Jindrake's opulent football stadium.  - Max Keeble's Big Move
  • Rivers feels uneasy about Sassoon entering Craiglockhart, doubting that he is shell-shock and not wanting to shelter a conscientious objector.  - Regeneration (novel)
  • He tells the innkeeper a modified version of his story, and the man is persuaded to shelter him.  - The Thirty-Nine Steps
  • Her father-in-law Eli (Rubes) reluctantly agrees to shelter him, despite his distrust for the gun-carrying outsider.  - Witness (1985 film)
  • He is sent to a bomb shelter with the unarmed civilians as enemy planes approach.  - Wake Island (film)
  • Most of the guests seek shelter in the basement, where Wirt declares his love for Letty and offers to take her away from the dismal place.  - The Wind (1928 film)
  • Wales' companions take shelter in the fortified ranch house and open fire, gunning down all of Terrill's men.  - The Outlaw Josey Wales
  • giving food and shelter to fifty people in the winter, and giving them employment in the summer".  - My Man Godfrey
  • Andy approaches the guard, and tells him a way that he can legally shelter the money from taxation.  - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
  • On the third night, they are forced to take shelter inside a giant Martian cabbage plant (nearly suffocating when it folds up at night).  - Red Planet (novel)
  • In the final chapter of the book, the family takes shelter from the flood in an old barn.  - The Grapes of Wrath
  • He takes shelter in a nearby house that turns out to belong to dr Kemp, a former acquaintance from medical school.  - The Invisible Man
  • Alvin enjoys watching a rainstorm from the shelter of an abandoned farmhouse.  - The Straight Story
  • Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops.  - My Neighbor Totoro
  • Huck is given shelter on the Kentucky side of the river by the Grangerfords, an "aristocratic" family.  - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • He does not recognise Alex, but gives him shelter and questions him about the conditioning he has undergone.  - A Clockwork Orange (novel)

Meaning of "shelter" in English

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Meaning of "shelter" in Hindi

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