How to use "shenanigans" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shenanigans" in popular movie and book plots

  • As he journeys around the world, he faces a series of shenanigans and failed attempts while reaching to his final destination.  - Poncho Balón
  • More shenanigans ensue that night when over at the wax museum, two thieves break in while Raymond is upstairs watching Nosferatu.  - Dracula's Widow
  • Unfortunately, these shenanigans again edge out Louise.  - Spaghetti Western and Meatballs
  • Troy alerts the rest of the study group to Pierce's late-night shenanigans with the Hipsters.  - Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
  • How Ganesh deceptively orchestrates the killing of the shenanigans is told lucidly in the remaining part of the story.  - Chanakya (film)
  • After a while of shenanigans her and Ben become friends yet Emily keeps her distance.  - The Nanny Express
  • They send him off, and Eileen tells Jimmy that she's ready for the honeymoon shenanigans to begin – as soon as she takes a bath.  - Nice Work If You Can Get It (musical)
  • Baylor and MacMann rekindle their long-lost love affair, but Baylor's shenanigans soon find him barred from the courtroom.  - No Way to Treat a First Lady
  • 's shenanigans after an unsuccessful attempt by Brain to wash his police car's windshield.  - Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats
  • Shorty enjoys the shenanigans so much that he wants to get involved.  - Rabbit's Kin
  • Their quest leads to shenanigans and silliness ensues as they arrange the most brainless ideas to win over their idol.  - Calendar Girl (1993 film)
  • The Ya-Yas caused shenanigans and chaos everywhere, but also had a sisterly bond that could fix anything.  - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
  • Guu starts causing shenanigans around the jungle that are meant to keep her amused (like holding a contest for Weda).  - Haré+Guu

Meaning of "shenanigans" in English

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Meaning of "shenanigans" in Hindi

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