How to use "shiftless" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shiftless" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ranjit is a shiftless loafer and pickpocket working for a gang.  - Loafer (1973 film)
  • She meets a nice and concerned Judge Gray, who believes the relative, a shiftless drunkard, to be unsuitable.  - Marjorie's Quest
  • Richard (Wu) is a shiftless Chinese-American whose family sends him to Beijing with his grandfather's ashes.  - Restless (1998 film)
  • In Waters' mind, Uncle Toms and "lazy, shiftless Negroes" reflected poorly on him, and made it harder for other African-Americans to succeed.  - A Soldier's Play
  • In Paris, Julio enjoys a somewhat shiftless life as a would-be artist and sensation at the local tea dances.  - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (film)
  • Inside she encounters Malcolm Stanley, her maid Nora's shiftless son, whose unctuous behavior annoys her.  - Midnight Lace
  • He does nothing when Hannassey's trouble-making son Buck (Chuck Connors) and his shiftless companions harass him.  - The Big Country

Meaning of "shiftless" in English

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Meaning of "shiftless" in Hindi

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