How to use "shipment" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shipment" in popular movie and book plots

  • Shad learns that Cowboy is late delivering a shipment of laser guns to a planet which, as they watch, Sador destroys with his weapon.  - Battle Beyond the Stars
  • Omar learns Marlo set him up, and gets revenge on him and Proposition Joe by robbing the entire shipment of the Co-Op.  - The Wire
  • Savarone schedules the circuitous shipment by train from Salonika, through Yugoslavia and Italy, and finally into the Alps.  - The Gemini Contenders
  • He knows that Gregg is the informer and has him killed, leaving his body next to a shipment of gasoline contaminated cocaine.  - Tequila Sunrise (film)
  • Upset at losing so much money and booze to the cops, Dutch lures the pair to where a large shipment of bourbon is being kept.  - Izzy and Moe
  • They spot a cargo plane and follow it; the plane is flown by the German, who has brought a shipment of rifles for the gang.  - Three Amigos
  • If he takes the restaurant mission, he must then pick up a shipment of drugs at the pier.  - Driver (video game)
  • The Stranger seizes his opportunity when he sees the Rojos massacre a detachment of Mexican soldiers who were escorting a shipment of gold.  - A Fistful of Dollars
  • Vale accesses the computer network through a telephone and pulls ephemerol shipment information.  - Scanners
  • The ship is carrying a shipment of high-powered firearms belonging to the Russian mob, which Max keeps in exchange for the favor.  - Max Payne (video game)
  • O’Conner, Vince, and Dominic check out Tran's garage, and O'Connor notices a shipment of electronics in the garage.  - The Fast and the Furious (2001 film)
  • Teenager Alan Abernathy (Gregory Smith) signs off for a shipment of the toys at his family's toy store without his father's consent.  - Small Soldiers
  • Soon after, Popeye learns from an informant that a major shipment of heroin will arrive in the New York area.  - The French Connection (film)
  • Their task is to steal a weapons shipment from aS.  - The Wild Bunch
  • Talbot tries to impart to Wilbur the danger of a shipment due to arrive for "McDougal's House Of Horrors", a local wax museum.  - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • When a shipment of restored heirloom paintings arrives, Laura finds a portrait of her ancestor, Mircalla, Countess Karnstein, dated 1698.  - Carmilla

Meaning of "shipment" in English

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Meaning of "shipment" in Hindi

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