How to use "shirk" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shirk" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, Shaselle seeks to shirk her duties as a Lady in favor of achieving her revenge against those responsible for her father's death.  - Legacy (series)
  • Chunhua is incensed that Tang, her former lover, attempts to shirk his responsibilities by claiming he has nothing to do with her death.  - Two Stage Sisters
  • When MacKay refuses Justine's plea to shirk his duty, she overhears the secret route he will take and writes it down.  - Wells Fargo (film)
  • Usually, however, he finds a way to preserve his positive image of himself and to shirk responsibility for others.  - The Victim (novel)
  • Their small, poor farm is on the edge of Lake Serrelind, and Maia tends to shirk her chores by swimming in the lake all day.  - Maia (novel)
  • Her workplace is full of gossip-mongers perpetually looking to shirk work.  - Needing You...
  • He decides to fight off Orlovsky and Svobodov and shirk his agreement with Warbaby.  - Virtual Light
  • Max confesses to Kazaam that he and his father aren't really connecting, though Kazaam attempts to shirk the issue with some rapping.  - Kazaam

Meaning of "shirk" in English

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Meaning of "shirk" in Hindi

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