How to use "shortly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shortly" in popular movie and book plots

  • The boy's mother is said (in Episode 48 "The Mine") to have died shortly after Sonny was born.  - Skippy the Bush Kangaroo
  • Nancy tries to get Randall to back away from the story, but when he refuses she kills herself, as does her husband shortly afterwards.  - Five Star Final
  • The two are taken from the torturer's chamber shortly thereafter, as the King has abruptly taken ill and appears to be dying.  - Inversions (novel)
  • The following day she gives birth to a daughter, Cathy, shortly before dying.  - Wuthering Heights
  • He dies shortly thereafter.  - Leaving Las Vegas
  • The second part of the film takes place shortly after the publication of Ten Days that Shook the World.  - Reds (film)
  • Alphonso takes the baby girl away shortly after her birth.  - The Color Purple
  • Fred had met Marie (Virginia Mayo) while in flight training and married her shortly afterward, before shipping out less than a month later.  - The Best Years of Our Lives
  • THX enjoys a brief reunion with LUH, disrupted shortly after she reveals her pregnancy.  - THX 1138
  • He died shortly after abandoning the research because the government was using it to produce animals for military uses.  - The Shockwave Rider
  • The novel opens shortly after Barney Mayerson,P.  - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
  • He was found leaving the cellar, shortly after midnight, and arrested.  - Guy Fawkes
  • However, shortly before the ceremony, Carrie arrives, revealing to Charles that she and Hamish are separated.  - Four Weddings and a Funeral
  • Wally and Candy marry shortly afterward, but Candy and Homer maintain a secret affair that lasts some 15 years.  - The Cider House Rules
  • After a quick chase to a parade float storage yard, Buffy finally confronts Lothos, shortly after she and Pike take down his gang.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film)
  • Deckard kills Zhora and shortly after is told by Bryant to also retire Rachael, who has disappeared from the Tyrell Corporation.  - Blade Runner

Meaning of "shortly" in English

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Meaning of "shortly" in Hindi

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