How to use "shout" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shout" in popular movie and book plots

  • Finally, the song abruptly halts with a shout of "Stop.  - Waiting for the Worms
  • As Unca leaves the sailors let out a shout for joy and she returns to the Idol to think about what has happened.  - The Female American
  • and the rest of the musketeers shout out, "One for all.  - The Three Musketeers (1993 film)
  • He then goes on to talk about how people who don't speak English only pick up the curse words in his act, and shout them at him on the street.  - Eddie Murphy Raw
  • Seconds tick by as Smith stands there, in full view of the amazed race spectators who shout at him to finish the race.  - The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner
  • He and their mother shout their children's names in despair.  - The Bewitchin' Pool
  • Mary pleads for the life of her son and Mary Magdalene speaks for him but Caiaphas bribes the crowd to shout against Jesus.  - The King of Kings (1927 film)
  • Seeing Friedrich sitting idly, they shout at him to surrender, to which he complies, lifting his hands.  - Deathwatch (2002 film)
  • This upsets Keller's wife so much that she starts to shout out that her husband is the murderer, but he shoots her, resulting in her death.  - I Confess (film)
  • Homer and Marge shout they do not need any from inside the inflatable castle, as it floats away, and they engage in sex underneath The Falls.  - Catch 'Em If You Can
  • Exhilarated, he and Sara embrace each other at the table and shout jubilantly at each other.  - A Saintly Switch
  • As they shout at the man, Rothko (Chris Morris) begins to speak to the man, taunting him.  - My Wrongs 8245–8249 & 117
  • Galén leaves the audience and is killed at a pro-war youth rally because he says that he will not shout in support of war.  - The White Disease
  • Napoleon is warned of another rock-snowball by a shout from Tristan Fleuri (Nicolas Koline), the school's scullion and a friend to Napoleon.  - Napoléon (1927 film)
  • They pass through Kalemegdan and shout salutes to Marko's brother Ivan who's an animal keeper in the Belgrade Zoo.  - Underground (1995 film)
  • The natives, including the ornately dressed woman, once again assemble on shore and begin to shout unintelligibly.  - Heart of Darkness

Meaning of "shout" in English

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Meaning of "shout" in Hindi

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