How to use "shove" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shove" in popular movie and book plots

  • He tries to shove Melissa out, but it's too late - Jeannie appears in his bedroom doorway, clad only in his shirt.  - The Lady in the Bottle
  • The note says that he can take the unit and shove it, that she is taking their daughter, and that he is not to try to find them.  - Hello Friend
  • In response, the animator draws two clones of Bugs, prompting Bugs to shove the clones out of the picture.  - Rabbit Rampage
  • Stan begins to shove the sweep up the chimney and knocks Oliver backwards and down through the skylight.  - Dirty Work (1933 film)
  • The Plutonians point out to him that to get it assembled, someone could just buy another screw or shove a pencil in the screw hole.  - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters
  • The King, encouraged by Señor de Veyre, resolves to take the rule of the kingdom for himself and shove Joanna out of the way.  - Mad Love (2001 film)
  • They shove him into the fireplace and eggs fall on his head.  - Aberration (film)
  • He becomes obsessed with the idea of fear when he sees a frightened man shove a knife in his eye to commit suicide.  - Marebito (film)
  • it'd be nice if someone would shove his jock strap in his face.  - The Power Within (1995 film)
  • They force him into the girls' bathroom and shove his face into a toilet, where a portal suddenly appears.  - Kyo Kara Maoh!
  • When George refuses to leave, Andrew begins to shove George which ends with Bree having to break the two up.  - My Heart Belongs to Daddy (Desperate Housewives)
  • (Charlie adds that it's like finding out that he was drafted) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order.  - It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown
  • Bobby is shot and killed by the hijackers, who then cause Sally to be hospitalized when they shove her car into a ravine.  - Lone Wolf McQuade
  • Tanner, the shortstop, replies by telling them where they can shove their trophy and their apology.  - The Bad News Bears
  • He pulls the mussel up and attempts to shove it off his tail but instead he pulls the mussel up and down like a yo-yo.  - The Simple Things
  • Just as he is about to shove Bob through the Gate, another version of himself shows up.  - By His Bootstraps

Meaning of "shove" in English

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Meaning of "shove" in Hindi

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