How to use "shrew" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shrew" in popular movie and book plots

  • Vijaya) and her sisters-in-laws, Rekha (Mucherla Aruna) and Rani (Chandrika) a shrew women.  - Makutamleni Maharaju
  • Diggs knocks the vermin unconscious, and the two hares sit down to eat, ignoring the shrew because of her ingratitude.  - The Sable Quean
  • One shrew breaks in through the window and hides in the basement.  - The Killer Shrews
  • Isaburo is in a loveless marriage with a shrew of a woman.  - Samurai Rebellion
  • He is seen leaving his house, berating his spouse as a shrew and a harpy, promising that she shall have good cause for her jealousy.  - Menaechmi
  • Then, a shrew emerges and scares away the duo into the river, revealing the snake is a grass snake.  - Mossflower
  • However, the shrew Fatch, a good friend of Rufe and Durry, is slain by Silvamord, Urgan Nagru's mate.  - The Bellmaker

Meaning of "shrew" in English

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Meaning of "shrew" in Hindi

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