How to use "shrill" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shrill" in popular movie and book plots

  • Nolan recognizes the type of explosive—a shrill bomb—and tells Niles and Amanda about it.  - In My Secret Life (Defiance)
  • During the rather shrill meal, Conrad openly degrades Daniel for working at the Porter's bar, calling it a "dive".  - Charade (Revenge)
  • She gave a very shrill cry; a scream that gave evidence she was not human but an aswang (vampire or flesh eating witch in Filipino mythology).  - Shake, Rattle & Roll X
  • Mrs Peel discovers the body of the milkman on his float as a deafening shrill noise and quake shakes through the base.  - The Hour That Never Was
  • Dorothy recognizes Wilbert's shrill scream as the "McCoy clan yell".  - Comin' Round the Mountain
  • Carol emits a shrill and mechanical scream that alerts other "pod people" to the presence of a human being.  - Body Snatchers (1993 film)
  • During this, they discover that the pod people emit a shrill scream once they learn someone is still human among them.  - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978 film)
  • He hears shrill screaming and rushes to help his neighbor, Frances, to find that she was being chased by a large rat.  - H. P. Lovecraft's Dreams in the Witch-House
  • He discovers that Miles died in 1972, while Belle has become a shrill and gin-sodden wreck.  - The Door into Summer

Meaning of "shrill" in English

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Meaning of "shrill" in Hindi

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