How to use "shroud" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shroud" in popular movie and book plots

  • The priest wraps another shroud around the princess and throws her to the prince.  - The Monster (1903 film)
  • Unknowing the shroud tactics by Shekharan, Shivan gets involved in several crimes, one after another.  - Adwaytham
  • The flattened bier becomes the iron shroud of Vivenzio's dead body.  - The Iron Shroud
  • Desperate battles are fought over strategic locations and the scant supplies from Earth that make it through the shroud of debris.  - Shattered Horizon
  • War covers over the Southern Islands like a blood-drenched shroud and finally war reaches the idyllic isle of Feshyr in the Southern Seas.  - Arcania: Gothic 4
  • The shroud of mystery is about to be lifted.  - Xtro 3: Watch the Skies
  • As Curtis pulls off the shroud off his statue, everyone covers their eyes in fear.  - When Good Ghouls Go Bad
  • However, Hana is now enveloped in a shroud of fire which no one else can see, and which increasingly clouds her from reality.  - Avril Lavigne's Make 5 Wishes
  • Bill crawls back and cuts the tangled shroud lines as Don hangs on to him.  - Parachute Battalion
  • The trilogy starts with In His Image, where living human cells discovered on the Turin shroud are used to clone a child, Christopher Goodman.  - Christ Clone Trilogy
  • Kor received a shroud from a Vulcan science team, which he believes once held the Sword.  - The Sword of Kahless
  • She enlisted twelve maids to help her unravel the shroud at night and spy on the suitors.  - The Penelopiad
  • Instead the shroud absorbed the power to make people around it insane.  - The Shroud of Rahmon
  • Finally, she is invited into the house of an elderly woman, who gives her several dresses and a shroud to cover her mother upon her mourning.  - Mouchette
  • A dense cloud covered the entire planet in a shroud of darkness and fear.  - Dead or Alive 3
  • Carol sews together a burial shroud out of bed sheets for her daughter, Mary Liz, who also dies from radiation exposure.  - Testament (1983 film)

Meaning of "shroud" in English

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Meaning of "shroud" in Hindi

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