How to use "shuttle" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "shuttle" in popular movie and book plots

  • They infiltrate Eggman's base, boarding his shuttle as it launches into space.  - Sonic Adventure 2
  • On their way to the Academy, the students' shuttle is shot down by an unknown enemy.  - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  • During the shuttle flight to Second Earth, Marlene and Yuji expose their emotions for each other.  - Blue Gender
  • Travelling by goose, they reach the launch pad and place The Thing close enough to the shuttle to copy itself to the satellite on board.  - The Nome Trilogy
  • They launch a shuttle to land on the surface.  - Planet of the Apes (novel)
  • The title sequence story opens with a space shuttle orbiting the Earth.  - Heavy Metal (film)
  • The Science Officer suggests that they use the shuttle craft and abandon ship, but Captain Tempest insists on flying through the storm.  - Return to the Forbidden Planet
  • He "makes" Popeye and escapes, waving tauntingly on the departing subway shuttle from Grand Central Terminal.  - The French Connection (film)
  • The unmanned shuttle sent as a decoy is shot down over Brazil (the location of the former compound of the Hegemon, now occupied by Achilles).  - Shadow Puppets
  • The shuttle picks up the rest of the group and leaves without the pair.  - Farmer in the Sky
  • Truman delays the military, while Harry convinces the shuttle commander Colonel Willie Sharp to disarm the remote trigger.  - Armageddon (1998 film)
  • As Luke escapes on a shuttle with his father's body, the Falcon flies out of the Death Star's superstructure as the station explodes.  - Return of the Jedi
  • Harvey boards a shuttle to a space station orbiting the Earth.  - Between Planets
  • Eventually the prisoner ends up at another Nali Castle, where a small space shuttle is stored.  - Unreal (1998 video game)
  • Picard buries Kirk before a shuttle arrives to transport him to the wreckage of the Enterprise saucer.  - Star Trek Generations
  • The humans take a shuttle to a nearby planet to find a replacement beryllium sphere as a new power source.  - Galaxy Quest

Meaning of "shuttle" in English

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Meaning of "shuttle" in Hindi

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