How to use "sickness" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sickness" in popular movie and book plots

  • But while fighting Thread, Jaxom falls ill with a potentially deadly sickness called "Fire-Head".  - The White Dragon (novel)
  • She believes the curse of Uta Matu, and of her own grandmother Le Juan, have brought shame, disgrace, sickness and death to her people.  - The Gates of Morning
  • Mrs Rymer is told she has a sickness of the mind, not of the body and is given a cup of coffee to drink.  - Parker Pyne Investigates
  • He is eventually sent to a hospital and raves about 'black coffins' to doctors, who then assume that the sickness is affecting his mind.  - Nosferatu the Vampyre
  • Then, upon visiting her, he learns of Ella's sickness and that a friend will replace her once she is taken to her mother in the country.  - Minty Alley
  • All his African servants had fallen ill to sleeping sickness and die one after another.  - In Desert and Wilderness
  • Also, a sickness is going around the land which makes its sufferers refuse to drink water.  - The Guardian Cycle
  • Jasper's "terrible problem" is that Knobby is suffering from a sickness called "fading", he is becoming semi-transparentJ.  - The Gnome-Mobile
  • Many mercenaries soon show signs of the Plague sickness and hurl Martin into the well.  - Flesh and Blood (1985 film)
  • Eventually Spaz learns that Bean, his beloved adoptive sister, is dying of the blood sickness (leukemia).  - The Last Book in the Universe
  • They offer to let the humans use some of the drug to cure their sickness if the vials left outside TARDIS are brought to the city.  - Dr. Who and the Daleks
  • Thousands of workers are building the Uganda Railway, Africa's first railroad, and intense heat and sickness make it a formidable task.  - Bwana Devil
  • After a long and arduous search, Wim finds ultimate truth (in a potato), and with it the cure for the sickness of the human condition.  - Adventures of Wim
  • In suburban Chicago, high school senior Ferris Bueller fakes sickness to stay home.  - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • On Earth, Rose Walker and her mother Miranda meet Unity Kinkaid, a victim of the sleeping sickness that occurred while Dream was imprisoned.  - The Sandman: The Doll's House
  • Frustrated, she dreams of different ways to kill Higgins, from sickness to drowning to a firing squad ("Just You Wait").  - My Fair Lady

Meaning of "sickness" in English

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Meaning of "sickness" in Hindi

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