How to use "sift" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sift" in popular movie and book plots

  • Together the penguin and the parrot sift through a flurry of quirky songs, each one possessing a more peculiar title than the last.  - Love Birds (musical)
  • Talbot continues to sift through the code for bugs to fix because the game keeps crashing when it runs.  - The Familiar, Volume 1: One Rainy Day in May
  • When Beth and Harry sift through their camera, they discover they were filmed sleeping.  - Uninhabited (film)
  • He's going to sift through all the bruised, damaged, occasionally psychotic fruit until he finds "the one".  - Unhitched
  • Delaware and Sturgis sift the evidence piece by piece in this complicated case.  - Alex Delaware

Meaning of "sift" in English

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Meaning of "sift" in Hindi

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