How to use "signify" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "signify" in popular movie and book plots

  • Eight are in her left ear to signify lovers she has murdered and one in her right ear for those who have so far escaped that fate.  - Gauntlgrym
  • Whatever change this may signify in Tareq and Juliette's growing relationship, they return to the hotel to find that Mark has finally arrived.  - Cairo Time
  • He and his crew then shave their heads and apply tattoos to signify their loss.  - Star Trek: Countdown
  • He whistles to signify he is coming, giving Eddy the chance to cover up.  - The River Why (film)
  • Members of the family remain hiding in their house, believing the end of military engagement to signify safety.  - Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre
  • In his dying moments, Emily begs Louis to kiss her hand to signify that he does not believe she did anything wrong.  - He Knew He Was Right
  • Apollo leaves the ring and picks up his dog tags to signify that he is quitting the competition.  - Unfinished Business (Battlestar Galactica)
  • Meanwhile, Ma Kun returns the Luocha Plaque to signify his retirement.  - Dragon Tiger Gate
  • She reacts with shock, and the curtains close to signify the end of the dance.  - Hollywood Steps Out
  • The skies turn dark from the dust of the battle field while trumpets and crashing cymbals signify the attack of the Iranian cavalry.  - Bijan and Manijeh
  • Claire deduces that these signify the year 1968, and Claire and Roger suspect that Geillis was telling her the year of her own time travel.  - Dragonfly in Amber
  • While in the room, he instructs her that all con artists take a small token from every "mark" to signify their dominance.  - House of Games
  • In the wake of a sharing the Jettator becomes mortal and often his or her sword shatters to signify this.  - Highlander: The Animated Series
  • Dittos come in many colors, which signify their quality and intended role.  - Kiln People
  • Romero is at a loss for words and can only say "we are human beings" to signify that people should not be treated this way.  - Romero (film)
  • Originally Faulkner meant to use different colored inks to signify chronological breaks.  - The Sound and the Fury

Meaning of "signify" in English

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Meaning of "signify" in Hindi

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