How to use "sip" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sip" in popular movie and book plots

  • Cooper attempts to sip the coffee, only to find it frozen solid.  - Episode 29 (Twin Peaks)
  • «There is a moment, between fifteenth and sixteenth sip of champagne, where every man is an aristocrat».  - The Prince's Act
  • One sip of beer causes him to revert to heavy drinking.  - Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day
  • Mitch grabs the glass and after one sip begins to throw up and choke.  - Stoic (film)
  • Things seem to be going well, until Muju criticises Coco for her behaviour towards the wait staff in the hotel: Muju took a sip of tea.  - Marrying Buddha
  • As he reaches for another sip of wine, a human skull appears in place of the glass.  - The Raven (1915 film)
  • The potion initially works well, as Dorothy does fall for Wilbert, but unfortunately everyone gets a sip of the concoction and falls in love.  - Comin' Round the Mountain
  • Edmund correctly deduces that the wine was what killed them, but foolishly decides to take a sip to check.  - The Black Seal
  • As Brittney watches intently, her mother takes a sip and remarks that the drink is strong.  - Wild Things 2
  • There the demon attempts to ply him with wine but when Joel refuses, she takes a sip and forcefully kisses him with the wine on her lips.  - Def by Temptation
  • As the two women sip coffee Kitty admits she has to go to hospital for a few days and wants Laura to feed her pet dog.  - The Hours (novel)
  • She was then taken to dinner with the commander of the doctor, where they have oral sex in order to then get a little sip of salty Champagne.  - Women in Cellblock 9
  • After the entertainment, George proposes a toast to Iris, when all sip champagne except her, being toasted.  - Sparkling Cyanide
  • Verdoux changes his mind as she is about to sip the wine, and he spares the girl.  - Monsieur Verdoux
  • He put it down to have a sip of his drink and then, kaboom.  - Old Harry's Game
  • Farwell loses his canteen, and DeCruz offers him a sip of water from his canteen, for the price of one gold bar.  - The Rip Van Winkle Caper

Meaning of "sip" in English

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Meaning of "sip" in Hindi

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