How to use "sire" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sire" in popular movie and book plots

  • What no one but Pat knows is that Blue Grass's sire was a different horse than the one originally intended.  - Blue Grass of Kentucky
  • As a result, Sov grows up among a number of cousins and siblings, none of whom know who their sire is.  - Coming of Age in Karhide
  • He reveals his passion for drawing and painting but Caroline keeps asking him to free Tyler (Michael Trevino) from the sire bond.  - Dangerous Liaisons (The Vampire Diaries)
  • JJ was unable to sire a child of his own and purchased one from a man in Hawthorne.  - Mystery Walk (novel)
  • Archaeus has recruited Drusilla to sire the students and wants Mary sired for a special reason.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten
  • Damon and Elena talk on the phone and Elena says that sire bond or not, she loves him.  - After School Special (The Vampire Diaries)
  • Damon decides to help Stefan investigate the sire bond in New Orleans, hoping to find a former flame of Damon's who was also sired to him.  - We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
  • Hayley and Tyler work to break the sire bond of Klaus's hybrids.  - My Brother's Keeper (The Vampire Diaries)
  • To his surprise Hayley, a werewolf who helped him with his sire bond named, shows up, having previously assumed that Tyler was dead.  - The Rager
  • Delia prays to setting sun for the gods to find more men to bring to Tressock to sire more children.  - The Wicker Tree
  • She awards him with a spear made especially for him, and asks that he sire many grandchildren.  - Ends of the Earth (DC Comics)
  • He set himself up as the Mage-King of Kull and has survived for thousands of years in order to sire Rol.  - The Sea Beggars
  • He hopes to use artificial wombs to sire hundreds of children (breeding them like horses), and begins worshipping the Grendels.  - Beowulf's Children
  • Sarah aptly names him Arizona Pie (combining the name of his sire and Sarah's home state).  - International Velvet (film)
  • Speck refers to himself as a sire and the women who bore his children as fillies.  - Falling from Grace (film)

Meaning of "sire" in English

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Meaning of "sire" in Hindi

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