How to use "skeptical" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "skeptical" in popular movie and book plots

  • Most welcome this development, as they are skeptical and fearful of first-hand experience and of those who desire it.  - The Machine Stops
  • lt Randall, the cunning but honest Los Angeles cop investigating Marriott's murder, is skeptical about the story.  - Farewell, My Lovely
  • Her skeptical advisor, dr Prokosch (Oskar Homolka), objects, "Can you look like 'yes' and act like 'no.  - Boys' Night Out (film)
  • Callo learned that Hardin was skeptical of Sydney's plans.  - Vagrant Story
  • The Writer feels skeptical of any real danger, but the Professor generally follows the Stalker's advice.  - Stalker (1979 film)
  • Jess is extremely happy and excited about the tryouts, even though Joe is skeptical about a new player joining the team.  - Bend It Like Beckham
  • Michelle's parents, who were initially skeptical of Jim, agree to have a preliminary dinner with him.  - American Wedding
  • He begs her to take him back and although she is skeptical at first, she believes that he truly loves her and they marry.  - Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914 film)
  • Realizing that he is the baby's father, he announces to a skeptical Father that he intends to marry Sarah.  - Ragtime (film)
  • Christine tells him about The Angel that has been tutoring her but he is skeptical and suggests that she might be the victim of a prank.  - The Phantom of the Opera
  • In 1893 London, popular writer Herbert George Wells (Malcolm McDowell) displays a time machine to his skeptical dinner guests.  - Time After Time (1979 film)
  • He warns the skeptical housekeeper not to remove the staff under any circumstances while he goes to make his final preparations.  - The Howling Man
  • When a skeptical Kirk inquires, "What does God need with a starship.  - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • He tells a skeptical Scott that he has eleven months to get his affairs in order before reporting to the workshop at Thanksgiving permanently.  - The Santa Clause
  • Denton is skeptical but Fate goads him into drinking a free sample, after which Denton immediately realizes its benefits.  - Mr. Denton on Doomsday
  • During training, Truman and Harry are skeptical about the abilities ofJ.  - Armageddon (1998 film)

Meaning of "skeptical" in English

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Meaning of "skeptical" in Hindi

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